Western Europe

Displaying 191 - 200 of 404

List of Organisations

Moïra Mikolajczak, Maria Elena Brianda, Hervé Avalosse, Isabelle Roskam - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This study aims to facilitate further identification of the consequences of parental burnout for the parents themselves, their spouses and their child(ren).

Ilse Derluyn - Children and Youth Services Review,

Based on an analysis of the evolutions in the way the care structures for unaccompanied minors were set up in Belgium, the authors of this article critically reflect on the underlying rationales that justify the particularities of these structures, hereby also reflecting about the implications of these rationales for professionals and researchers.

Helen Bouma, Mónica López López, Erik J .Knorth, Hans Grietens - Child Abuse & Neglect,

In this study, the participation of children in the Dutch child protection system (CPS) under the new Youth Act 2015 is critically analyzed.

Opening Doors for Europe’s Children,

Save the date for the Opening Doors for Europe’s Children event “Maintain, Strengthen, Expand: How the EU can support the transition from institutional to family and community-based care in the next MFF”


UNICEF is seeking a Child Protection Consultant in Germany.

Julian Tangermann & Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik - Federal Office for Migration and Refugees & The European Migration Network,

This study provides an overview of the situation faced by unaccompanied minors in Germany.

Alice Lucas, Marta Welander - Refugee Rights Europe,



Helen Bouma, Mónica López López, Erik J Knorth, Hans Grietens - Child Abuse & Neglect ,

In this study, the participation of children in the Dutch child protection system (CPS) under the new Youth Act 2015 is critically analyzed.

Kirti Zeijlmans, Mónica López, Hans Grietens, Erik J. Knorth - Child & Family Social Work,

This study answers the following question: “How does the case-specific context influence the practitioners' decision-making process regarding matching in family foster care?”

Anouk Goemans, Mitch van Geel, Tom F. Wilderjans, Joost R. van Ginkel, Paul Vedder - Children and Youth Services Review,

The current study reports the findings of a three-wave longitudinal study wherein the researchers examined the development of school engagement and analyzed which factors were predictive of school engagement in a sample of 363 Dutch foster children.