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List of Organisations

Miracle Foundation,

This toolkit is designed for parents/caregivers and the social service workforce guiding them. It provides practical tips that can be implemented quickly and mini lessons on topics of importance to anyone raising or supporting a child.

Kinnected Myanmar,

A critical step of the transition process is to put in place a written agreement that clearly outlines the commitments, expectations, and conditions of the partnership. A partnership agreement is typically signed after successful completion of the onboarding process. It formalizes the decision of key stakeholders to transition and should not be done before ample time and opportunity have been provided to secure buy-in.

Changing the Way We Care, Lumos Foundation, Maestral, Catholic Relief Services,

Данное руководство предназначено для детей и молодежи, выходящих или вышедших из служб альтернативного ухода, и содержит информацию и советы, которые помогут им развить навыки, необходимые для жизни. Государственным учреждениям, некоммерческим организациям, а также всем, кто предоставляет поддержку молодым людям покидающим службы ухода, рекомендуется распечатать и распространить среди них данное руководство.

Changing the Way We Care, Lumos Foundation, Maestral, Catholic Relief Services,

Acest ghid este destinat copiilor și tinerilor care sunt pe cale de a ieși sau deja au ieșit din serviciile de îngrijire alternativă și oferă resurse și sfaturi pentru dezvoltarea abilităților practice de integrare în societate pentru acest grup. Instituțiile guvernamentale, organizațiile non-guvernamentale, societatea civilă și alți actori care susțin acest grup sunt încurajați să tipărească acest ghid și să-l distribuie printre copii și tineri.

Changing the Way We Care, Lumos Foundation, Maestral, Catholic Relief Services,

This guide is for children and young people who are about to leave or have left alternative care services and provides life skills resources and advice targeted to this group. Government institutions, non-profits, civil society, and other actors supporting this group are encouraged to print and distribute this resource to them.

Rachel Calam, Aala El-Khani, Kim Cartwright,

This booklet is based on a pilot study testing the feasibility of delivering and evaluating a light touch parenting intervention for caregivers in the West Bank.

Florence Koenderink,

This report is the culmination of almost four years of research. It gives an overview of the child protection situation in all 195 autonomous countries in the world.

UNICEF, DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence in Human Development (University of the Witwatersrand) and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health,

This resource aims to provide evidence-based messages, practical guidance, case studies and resources that can be used to promote parents’ and caregivers’ mental health, with a focus on adolescent caregivers.

Anna Gromada, Dominic Richardson, Gwyther Rees - UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti,

This paper paints a picture of current progress towards ensuring that all families have access to affordable and high-quality childcare, and considers the implications of the current COVID-19 crisis for childcare globally.

Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO),

Este recurso de CAFO provee guía a individuos dedicados a servir a niños y familias en riesgo en construir la resiliencia a través de las relaciones para ayudarles a construir un futuro mejor.