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List of Organisations

Save the Children,

This document presents the challenges met during research on informal practices of unaccompanied and separated children traveling the Balkans route and learnings from the process of overcoming these challenges.

Save the Children Sweden,

All over the world, the pandemic has turned children's lives upside down. In this episode of Save the Children Documentary, they share their stories.

Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO),

Esta página de CAFO presenta a la información obtenida en una encuesta de organizaciones que sirven a niños y familias vulnerables sobre como han sido afectados directamente los niños y las familias por el COVID-19.

Save the Children Australia,

This guide aims to build Save the Children staff capacity through the provision of mentoring to Save the Children staff, funded partner organisations, staff and volunteers, including field coordinators, child and youth group leaders, community mentors and facilitators.

Laura Horvath, Elli Oswald, and Allison Coble - Faith to Action Initiative, in partnership with Changing the Way We Care,

This study seeks to map the landscape of support for transitioning residential care centers, specifically considering organizations or individuals who are providing or could provide assistance through on-the-ground, individualized coaching or technical support.

M.G. Venkatesh Mannar and Dr Renata Micha - Independent Expert Group of the Global Nutrition Report,

This year’s Global Nutrition Report examine the global burden of malnutrition with an equity lens to develop a fuller understanding of nutrition inequalities. In doing this, the report pinpoints and prioritises key actions to amplify efforts and propel progress towards ending malnutrition in all its forms.

Food Security Information Network (FSIN),

The 2020 edition of The Global Report on Food Crises describes the scale of acute hunger in the world, including for vulnerable children.

Shivit Bakrania, Ramya Subrahmanian - Innocenti, UNICEF Office of Research,

This research brief summarizes the findings of a rapid review that collates and synthesizes evidence on the child protection impacts of COVID-19 and previous pandemics, epidemics and infectious disease outbreaks.

SOS Children’s Villages International,

This document summarizes the 2019 UNGA Resolution on the Rights of the Child focusing on children without parental care (A/RES/74/133) in an easy-to-follow way.

World Vision,

World Vision has conducted rapid assessments in 24 countries across Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia confirming alarming predictions of increased child hunger, violence, and poverty due to the economic impact of COVID-19.