Collected Viewpoints on International Volunteering in Residential Care Centres: An overview

Between March and June 2014, over 100 interviews were conducted with actors connected with the arenas of child protection and volunteer travel. This included writers and bloggers, faith organisations working with mission teams, individuals involved in employee volunteering initiatives in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) departments, academics, educators and trainers, and non-governmental organisations (NGO) and international non-governmental organisation (INGO) actors. These individuals (their names and organisations are listed at the end of this report) were consulted on their experiences in, and their opinions on, international volunteering in residential care centres. Some individuals requested that their contributions remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of the subject matter. For consistency, all quotations within this study have thus been presented anonymously. For readers wanting further access to the ideas expressed in this piece, please contact the authors directly for details about the sources. In addition to these interviews, this overview has been informed by a literature review, internet analysis, volunteer surveys, and more in-depth country-reviews on Cambodia, Ghana, Guatemala, and Nepal.
