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The Qualitative Assessment of How the 3B/4D Social Cohesion Approach Effects Disability-Related Social Exclusion in Zambia by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) highlights the Inclusive Family Strengthening (IFS) project's significant impact on reducing disability-related social exclusion. The project utilized introspection, intragroup and intergroup connections, and action to foster empathy, acceptance, and support for children with disabilities.
This report highlights the Inclusive Family Strengthening (IFS) project by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and Catholic Sister congregations. This project aimed to improve the wellbeing of children with disabilities and keep them in family care.
This report evaluates the Inclusive Family Strengthening (IFS) project's impact on caregivers of children with disabilities in Zambia. It highlights significant improvements in caregiver resilience, social support, and access to essential services. The report notes increased positive parenting behaviors, such as showing affection and rewarding good behavior, and a reduction in the use of corporal punishment.
This report provides an in-depth analysis of the Positive Parenting Annex (PPA) implemented by Catholic Relief Services in Zambia. This initiative aimed to support caregivers of children with disabilities by enhancing their parenting skills and resilience.
In this webinar, the Independent Expert on the Enjoyment of Human Rights by Persons with Albinism, Muluka-Anne Miti-Drummond, shared findings from her recent report on children with albinism and the right to family life. Staff from UNICEF and NGOs in Madagascar, Tanzania, Malawi and Uganda also shared lessons learned.
The main objective of this assessment and report is to gain knowledge about children with disabilities without family support, or at risk of being so, and the alternative care arrangements available for these children in the Philippines. In addition, whether there is scope for improvement of alternative care measures in the Philippines in line with international standards.
This Human Rights Watch report documents how children with disabilities in Gaza face dangerous situations and additional difficulties as they struggle to comply with frequent evacuation orders and a lack of effective advance warning of attacks.
This qualitative study of cluster foster parents in Mpumalanga, South Africa, revealed that they are faced with extreme challenges such as lack of support, knowledge, and limitation of resources in fostering children with special needs.
Serviciile alternative de tip familial sunt un element cheie în reforma sistemului de îngrijire a copilului în Moldova. Totuși, copiii cu dizabilități sunt, încă, sub-reprezentați în grupul de copii în familiile de asistenți parentali profesioniști și părinți-educatori din casele de copii de tip familie. Unul dintre obstacolele menționate de specialiștii în domeniu, de asistenții parentali profesioniști și părinții-educatori este sprijinul financiar insuficient, care limitează accesul copiilor cu dizabilități în servicii de tip familial.