
A guardian is a legally appointed adult representative for a child. The guardian's function is to ensure that a child’s rights are upheld and the child's best interests are protected. The existence, process and duties of a guardian will vary from country to country. When no formal guardian system exists, alternative systems can be created for having a legally recognised representative for a child. This is particularly important when children are likely to be orphaned or made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS, or unprotected by adult caretakers such as child-headed households.  


Displaying 1 - 10 of 111

Nancy Rolock, Kevin White, Joan M. Blakey, Kerrie Ocasio, Amy Korsch-Williams, Chelsea Flanigan, Rong Bai, Monica Faulkner, Laura Marra, Rowena Fong,

Using caregiver survey data, this study examined the following questions: (1) What is the prevalence of children or youth living apart (LA)? (2) What are the risk and protective factors at child and family levels that are associated with LA? (3) What is the nature of the relationships between family members among those who have experienced LA? This study re-purposed data from surveys of adoptive parents and guardians of children formerly in foster care in four U.S. states.


Eurochild has carried out an urgent mapping, with support from its members, UNICEF country teams and government representatives across 13 countries. The mapping examines the laws and policies at national level for children in alternative care and unaccompanied and separated children from Ukraine who arrive in the following countries: Czechia, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and the United Kingdom.

Child Circle, UNICEF, Eurochild,

This discussion paper addresses issues facing unaccompanied and separated children fleeing Ukraine and arriving in the European Union (EU). In particular, it focuses on the priority issue of how care and custodial arrangements and guardianship under child protection and migration measures are established within EU Member States. This question has implications for how children access protection, how information on their circumstances is managed and ultimately how durable solutions are identified and secured for children.

European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights,

The report shows that, overall, although legislative changes have taken place in many Member States, national guardianship systems continue to face many challenges. The guardianship systems also still vary greatly across the EU.

Alanna Feltner, Angelique Day, Lori Vanderwill, Emma Fontaine, Sue Cohick - Children and Youth Services Review,

The Critical On-going Resource Family Education (CORE) Teen is a comprehensive foster parent training program designed to provide resource parents with the knowledge and skills to support teens in their care. This study examined results from trainings conducted across four states and one tribal nation in the U.S.

Kevin R. White, Nancy Rolock, Laura Marra, Monica Faulkner, Kerrie Ocasio & Rowena Fong - Journal of Public Child Welfare,

This study explored data obtained from surveys of caregivers who had previously adopted or assumed guardianship of a child from foster care in two U.S. states. Descriptive analyses summarized the demographic and wellbeing characteristics of children and families, and multivariate regression models estimated the association between these variables and caregiver commitment.

Kierra M. P. Sattler, Sarah A. Font - Child Maltreatment,

This study investigated rates of guardianship and adoption dissolution using a complete entry cohort from a large state foster care system and the associations between child characteristics and risk factors with dissolution.

Save the Children Europe,

With this report, Save the Children aims to assess how children have been affected since the beginning of the so-called ‘refugee crisis’.

Н.А. Иванова - Актуальные проблемы государства и права,

Целью является исследование особенностей правового регулирования договорной опеки (попечительства) над несовершеннолетними детьми в современной России.

Allan Cooke - Routledge Handbook of Family Law and Policy,

This chapter from the Routledge Handbook of Family Law and Policy examines how permanency for children is achieved in New Zealand in the child protection context.