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The aim of the report is to identify gaps in the system and assist the United Nations Task Force (UNTF) in its efforts to support the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and ensure that all children, including those deprived of their liberty in all settings, achieve the highest attainable standard of health. This report has drawn on the expertise and insights of a broad group of collaborators including members of the United Nations Task Force on the Implementation of the Global Study on Children Deprived of their Liberty.
This report identifies, critiques, and synthesises current global standards for healthcare for children deprived of their liberty in all settings.
The study is the first analysis of the medical records of children as young as six months old and a median age of nine years old detained between June 2018 and October 2020 at Karnes County Family Residential Center in Texas. The report documents evidence of mental and physical harm relating to inadequate and inappropriate medical care experienced by children during prolonged detention.
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action CPMS Working Group held an interactive webinar to support members in engaging and completing the recently distributed Self-Assessment Process for the Child Protection Minimum Standards
The purpose of this article is to provide information on the residential care facilities that operate in Ghana in terms of their licensing status, staffing, child safeguarding, and protection policies, as well as the safety and suitability of the premises. The article also describes the demographic profiles of the children who live in such facilities and provides an overview of the care they received and their well-being.
The Guidance Document was developed to support organisations taking part in the Organisational Development workshops for the project. Through the workshops, we aim to establish a trauma-informed culture in organisations that care for and support children and young adults in alternative care.
This resource was developed by SOS Children's Villages Belgium as an annex to the Practice Guidance. This tool provides guidance for social workers working with unaccompanied refugee and migrant children on how to use trauma-informed practices in a culturally sensitive way.
The Practice Guidance was developed by CELCIS and SOS Children’s Villages as a resource for participants taking part in the “Safe Places, Thriving Children” training. The purpose of this guidance is to improve understanding and practice in relation to working with children and young adults who live in alternative care settings and who may have experienced trauma.
As part of the “Safe Places, Thriving Children” project, SOS Children’s Villages has developed a series of six e-learning modules which aim at increasing participants’ understanding of trauma and its effects on children and young people, and provide guidance on how to act in a more trauma-sensitive way when working with children, young people and families.
Ce document fournit des conseils sur la manière d'appliquer les normes internationales lorsque vous travaillez avec des enfants et leurs familles touchés par cette crise. La question à poser, systématiquement - quelle que soit la décision, l'action ou le processus - est "qu'est-ce qui est dans l'intérêt supérieur de l'enfant?" Cela s'applique à des situations sur le terrain qui sont complexes et ne permettent pas de réponses faciles.