Children and Migration

Millions of children around the world are affected by migration.  This includes girls and boys who migrate within and between countries (usually with their families but sometimes on their own), as well as children ‘left behind’ when their parents or caregivers migrate in search of economic opportunities.  Be it forced or voluntary, by adults or children, migration affects children’s care situations and can entail risks to their protection.

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This Technical Note lays out ways in which national child protection systems can be enhanced to include children in the context of migration.

Justina Račaitė, Khatia Antia, Volker Winkler, Sigita Lesinskienė, Rita Sketerskienė, Rūta Maceinaitė, Ingrida Tracevskytė, Elena Dambrauskaitė, Genė Šurkienė ,

This cross-sectional study was conducted in 24 Lithuanian schools and involved parents/caregivers and their children aged 12 to 17. The study aimed to collect and analyse self-reported data on left behind children's emotional and behavioural problems and compare children’s reports with those of parents/caregivers.

World Vision,

This report presents an analysis of focus group discussions (FGDs) conducted over the course of December 2023 and January 2024 with children affected by the conflict in Ukraine, including those displaced within Ukraine as well as those in Romania, Moldova, and Georgia.

Urvashi Kaushik, Sruti Mohanty, Mukta Naik, Hyun Hee Ban,

This chapter highlights the need for social protection and welfare benefits to be portable with the ability for migrants families to access entitlements as they move between locations. This chapter focuses on how this is implemented in India's labour economy.

Karen S Rotabi-Casares, Patricia F Fronek, Justin S Lee,

This article examines the adoption of Ukrainian children, by U.S. citizens as the Ukrainian government ceases adoptions of children during the chaos of war. Intercountry adoption dynamics are presented with data from 2021, prior to the conflict in 2022.

Adrian Kitimbo,

This chapter is part of the "Research Handbook on Migration, Gender, and COVID-19" and explores the gender and youth dimensions of return from GCC States to the East Africa subregion, focusing on three countries: Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia.

Georgetown University Collaborative on Global Children's Issues,

This webinar explored the role of the Catholic Church in responding to children who are migrating alone or who are at risk of or have been separated from their families&nbs

Chiara Galli,

This chapter, which is part of the "Handbook of Human Mobility and Migration" reviews the literature on child migration, highlighting how children compare from adults in their migratory aspirations and migration decision-making, as well as in their experiences in receiving countries in the European and US contexts, where groups of children such as unaccompanied minors benefit from humanitarian protections unavailable to adults.

Family for Every Child,

The ‘Supporting Integration’ toolkit documents and shares good practice guidance for practitioners working with child migrants. The toolkit was developed as part of a three year project which involved research into the integration of children moving from the Middle East to Europe, and aims to enhance integration support and services, ensuring that children and young people are provided with a care that fosters their development and well-being.

Child Identity Protection,

Judge Raul Pangalangan International Criminal Court Judge (2015 – 2021)