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Although it is a major issue, the health of children and adolescents in care is still mainly explored on the basis of information provided by adults in French studies. This study therefore aims to make up for the lack of studies integrating the young people’s own point of view and to explore certain aspects of health, as reported by the children and adolescents themselves, by comparing the health of children in care with that of children in the general population.
This video explores the pivotal role of health care practitioners in supporting nurturing care for children.
This article evaluates a pilot project in 2016 aiming to improve health care access for children in out-of-home care (OOHC) in Victoria, Australia and identifies significant systems issues.
The New Neighborhood is a limited series podcast that explores some of the dramatic changes taking place across the U.S. as people work to reinforce a sense of community, support young children and families, and work to build equity within communities.
Catholic Medical Mission Board Zambia (CMMB), SPOON, and St. Catherine's University conducted this Health Impact Assessment (HIA) in Lusaka Province, Zambia, to understand the disparate impact that COVID-19 and the containment measures had on children with disabilities and their families. his two-phased assessment is designed to gather evidence about the impact through seven domains: COVID-19 knowledge and practices, food consumption, housing and livelihood, child safety and risk of separation, child health and wellness, parental and child stress, and education.
This paper assesses the impact of Ethiopia's flagship social protection program, the Productive Safety Net Program on the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the food and nutrition security of households, mothers, and children.
This paper explores how pediatricians can support families who care for children and adolescents who are fostered and adopted while attending to children’s medical needs and helping each child attain their developmental potential.
The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of Victorian foster and kinship carers in accessing health services for children in their care and to quantify the frequency of potential barriers to health care.
This study sought to identify and understand how street-connected children and youth (SCY)’s social and health inequities in Kenya are produced, maintained, and shaped by structural and social determinants of health using the WHO conceptual framework on social determinants of health (SDH) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) General Comment no. 17.
This case report depicts the quest for health insurance coverage of two HIV orphans with Burkitt lymphoma in Kenya.