Health and Nutrition Programmes

Adequate health and nutrition is essential for the healthy development of children. Families affected by illness may not be able to work or provide proper care.  Children in these situations are at risk of dropping out of school in order to care for a sick adult and work in order to replace lost income.  If the caretaker dies from the illness, the child risks a number of negative outcomes including living on the street or being placed in institutional care.

Displaying 51 - 60 of 241

Rekha Thapar, et al - AIDS Research and Treatment,

In this cross-sectional study 86 children orphaned by AIDS residing in care giving institutions for HIV positive children in Mangalore were assessed for their clinico-epidemiological profile and nutritional status.

Elisa M. Maffioli, Erica Field, Nicholus Tint Zaw, Federica Esu, Alexander Fertig - Innovations for Poverty Action & Save the Children,

This experimental evaluation of the LEGACY program - a program implemented in three townships across Myanmar’s central dry zone that provided monthly cash transfer to mothers in their last two trimesters of pregnancy until the child turns two years old, as well as a monthly Social and Behavioral Change Communication (SBCC) activity supplementing the cash transfers, covering a range of topics related to nutrition and child health - measures the program's impact on child nutrition.

Save the Children,

This brief presents the key findings from the LEGACY Program Randomized Controlled Trial. The Legacy Maternal and Child Cash Transfer (MCCT) aimed to improve nutrition outcomes for mothers and children through the delivery of nutrition-sensitive cash transfers to pregnant women in Myanmar during the First 1,000 Days.

Juan José Hernández-Morante, et al -Nutrition,

The objective of this study was to evaluate the health status and anthropometrical development of adopted children from Ethiopia living in southern Spain.

LVCT Health, Maestral International,

This Facilitator Manual is part of the Integrating Violence Against Children Prevention and Response into HIV Services Training Package. It an overview of the workshop, detailed agenda, facilitation notes and training preparation tools.

LVCT Health, Maestral International,

This Participants' Manual is part of the Integrating Violence Against Children Prevention and Response into HIV Services Training Package. It provides background information, tools and learning aids for participants.


This edition of The State of the World’s Children report examines children, food and nutrition. It seeks to deepen understanding around the causes and consequences of children’s malnutrition in all its forms and to highlight how governments, business, families and other stakeholders can best respond.

Michael O. Ogundele - Advances in Pediatrics and Neonatal Care,

For this study, the authors carried out a retrospective review of looked-after children and young people (LACYP) caseloads in North Somerset Local Authority between Jan and Dec 2018 to ensure national standards are being met and provide a benchmark for future quality improvements.

Darcy L. Strouse Kathryn Moore - New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development,

The purpose of this commentary is to reflect on the utility and possible application of the suggestions and study designs in this special issue to real‐life intervention studies in dynamic context settings.

T Mensah, A Hjern, K Håkanson, P Johansson, A K Jonsson, T Mattsson, S Tranæus, B Vinnerljung, P Östlund, G Klingberg - Acta Paediatrica,

Decades of research confirm that children and adolescents in out‐of‐home care (foster family, residential care) have much greater healthcare needs than their peers. A systematic literature review was conducted to evaluate organizational healthcare models for this vulnerable group.