Wise Short-Term Missions: 8 Principles to Benefit Vulnerable Children & Families

Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO)

The “Seven Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Mission” provide guidelines that help avoid harm and maximize benefits in short-term missions. The following principles are offered as a supplement to these standards, providing guidance for international service trips intended to benefit orphaned and vulnerable children.

These principles have been developed and approved by the Christian Alliance for Orphans, comprised of more than 190 respected organizations serving children in more than 130 nations. We establish these principles in unity, seeking to empower every church, organization, and volunteer participating in short-term missions to be more thoughtful and effective, particularly in respect to vulnerable children.

We pray that every missions experience will:

  • Leave a lasting positive impact in the lives of all who participate
  • Bring enduring good to the children, families and communities served
  • Honor the God who describes Himself as a Father to the fatherless
Wise Short-Term Missions - Overview
Wise Short-Term Missions: Models and Case Studies for Benefitting Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Wise Short-Term Missions: 7 Standards of Excellence
Wise Short-Term Missions: Short-Term Missions and Beyond