Country Care Snapshots


Formal Alternative Care Arrangements
Total Formal Family-Based Care
Country Care Profile: Liberia (Better Care Network and UNICEF, 2015)
Foster Care
Country Care Profile: Liberia (Better Care Network and UNICEF, 2015)
Kinship Care
Country Care Profile: Liberia (Better Care Network and UNICEF, 2015)
Total Formal Residential Care
3,357 Children
83 Settings
Country Care Profile: Liberia (Better Care Network and UNICEF, 2015)
Larger Institutions
Small Group Homes
Transit Centres/Shelters
Lancet Global Study Estimate of Children Living in Institutional Care
6,138 Children
Prevalence and number of children living in institutional care: global, regional, and country estimates (Desmond, et al, 2020)