The Child Protection Hub for South East Europe’s (ChildHub) overall objective is to contribute to the realisation of children’s fundamental rights across South East Europe, in particular the rights to be protected from abuse and violence. The purpose of the project was, by the end of 2017, to provide child protection professionals and key stakeholders from SEE with improved access to technical resources and support networks, allowing them to expand, improve, and advocate for qualitative services and policies for children and families in need of protection. The project strategically articulates three specific types of intervention - knowledge management, capacity development and advocacy - around a regional dynamic, to engage various child protection related professionals and agencies into a process of continuous improvement, for the benefit of children. The project is coordinated through a regional coordination unit based within Tdh Hungary office and then at the country level via an appointed Country Coordinator (CC), based within a Tdh national office or hosted by a partner organisation. The project has been variously named since its launch in January 2015, first as the Regional Resource Centre (RRC), but subsequently renamed as the Child Protection Hub for South East Europe (ChildHub).
The overall purpose of the evaluation has been to:
1. Assess the extent to which the project has reached its objectives and delivered expected results, for accountability purposes towards donors, beneficiaries and stakeholders and;
2. Draw out the main lessons learnt and generate recommendations for the next phase of the project, with emphasis upon areas for improvement and modification of project design and implementation and explore potential approaches to longer-term sustainability.
The report outlines the key findings from the evaluation and highlights recommendations for the next phase of the project.