Global report 2019: Progress towards ending corporal punishment of children

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children

The Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children has launched the Global Report 2019, tracking progress towards universal prohibition of corporal punishment.

Government commitments to address violence against children have accelerated in recent years since the adoption of SDG Target 16.2. This report reveals the states considered by the Initiative to be committed to prohibiting corporal punishment - the most pervasive form of violence against children - following a review in 2019 which saw the number of committed states fall dramatically. This blog explains more about the review and the revised list of committed states is available here.

This report also presents the current global context for working to #EndCorporalPunishment, including how the Global Initiative is growing a global movement by mobilising and supporting national actors to reform their laws and social attitudes to protect children, and how readers can get involved.
