Keeping Children Safe: Allegations Concerning the Abuse or Neglect of Children in Care

Nina Biehal, Linda Cusworth, Jim Wade with Susan Clarke - NSPCC & University of York

This study, from the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) in the UK,focuses on those children in alternative care who experience abuse or neglect at the hands of their caretakers or guardians who are responsible for ensuring their wellbeing. The report presents findings on:

  • the number of allegations against foster carers and residential social workers and the proportion of these that are substantiated
  • the extent and nature of confirmed abuse and neglect in foster and residential care
  • the characteristics of the children and adults concerned.

The report includes an overview of the incidence of allegations and confirmed abuse or neglect and an exploration of the nature of abuse and neglect in both foster care and residential care. The report also examines local authority data management and communication in relation to allegations of child abuse and neglect.
