Protecting Children Affected by Armed Conflict and Displacement: An Introductory Training Module

Action for the Rights of Children

This module is designed to provide an introduction to some of the key principles that must inform our actions to protect children affected by armed conflict and displacement. The need to have a clear understanding of the situation and the likely effects of a given intervention are addressed, as well as the need to ensure on-going monitoring and reporting activities. In addition, the module considers some of the threats that are faced by children affected by armed conflict and displacement, and provides a broad overview of various actions that can be directed towards enhancing child protection.

By the end of this module, you will be able to: 

  • define the guiding principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its place within the broader legal framework;

  • assess the types of threat that may be faced by children affected by armed conflict;

  • analyse those activities that are likely to contribute to enhanced child protection.

This module is designed for independent learning by individuals, or as a starting point for facilitated group learning. It should take you approximately 4 hours to complete the whole module - roughly one hour to read the content and complete the text-based activity for each of four units.

©Action for the Rights of Children
