Barriers to Services for Children with HIV Positive Parents


India has over five million people who are infected with HIV/AIDS.  Certain areas of India show a higher concentration of infection.  The researchers hypothesized that children affected by HIV/AIDS are excluded from benefits such as education, healthcare, and familial and community support.  The findings show that children are excluded from programs because of common misconceptions regarding the transmission and nature of the virus.  These misconceptions are held widely across the population from illiterate and poor to the educated and wealthy.

The document concludes by naming two methods of addressing the issues:

  1. Raise awareness regarding HIV transmission and work towards reducing the stigma attached to HIV infection.

  2. Provide financial assisted to affected families through means such as health care or reserved jobs for parents infected with HIV.

The document also makes recommendations to educate professionals about the true nature of dangers posed by HIV/AIDS infected children and parents, inform the public about the rights of people infected with HIV/AIDS, and provide access to a mechanism that advocates for rights on behalf of those affected by HIV/AIDS.
