Hope In Action: Summaries of World Vision's Strategies for HIV and AIDS Response

World Vision HIV/AIDS Hope Initiative

The HIV and AIDS Hope Initiative is World Vision’s effort to increase and intensify responses to the AIDS pandemic in all of the more than 90 countries where World Vision operates.  The overall goal of the Hope Initiative is to reduce the global impact of AIDS on children, their families and communities through the enhancement and expansion of World Vision programs and partnerships focused on HIV prevention, care, and advocacy.

This booklet summarizes the Hope Initiative strategies for the nine key areas of HIV and AIDS response on which World Vision focuses.  It is intended to be of use to partners interested in learning about World Vision’s HIV programming, including nongovernmental organizations, churches and other faith communities, donors, and policymakers.  More extensive descriptions of each strategy can be found in World Vision’s ADP Toolkit for HIV and AIDS Programming, available in the Hope Initiative’s online HIV and AIDS resource database (http://www.worldvision.org/help/aids-lib.nsf) or in CD and printed formats from the Hope Initiative.  Detailed implementation guides and training manuals for World Vision’s core HIV programming models are also available.

The strategies summarized here have been developed over time based on good practices and lessons learned by World Vision and other organizations engaged in HIV and AIDS response.  Led by the Models of Learning team, the Hope Initiative’s research and program development unit, World Vision is continually seeking to refine these strategies through ongoing assessment of the progress and results of its HIV and AIDS programming around the world.  For additional information, please contact Models of Learning (models_of_learning@wvi.org).

©World Vision International
