Young Children and HIV: Strengthening Family and Community Support

International HIV/AIDS Alliance

The new Building Block Africa-wide briefing note on ‘Young children and HIV’ provides practical guidance on meeting the developmental needs of young children affected by HIV and the care and treatment needs of young children living with HIV. Focusing on children under eight years of age, it aims to help local organisations and service providers to strengthen family and community support for these children.

‘Young children and HIV’ is structured in two sections:

The first section describes the impact of HIV on the intellectual, emotional, psychological and social development of all young children and what organisations can do to help families and communities to meet children’s developmental needs.

The second section describes the impact of HIV infection on young children and what organisations can do to support families and communities to provide good care and treatment for young children living with HIV.

This briefing note is intended for organisations that already have and are using Building Blocks: Africa wide briefing notes. This and the other seven briefing notes in the series are designed to help communities and local organisations to support children made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS. As well as local NGOs and CBOs, the briefing notes may be useful for government and policy makers.

©International HIV/AIDS Alliance
