Explore, Engage, Act! Children and Young People and the Global Compact on Refugees and for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

Hannah Mehta - Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts

This publication from the Initiative for Child Rights in the Global Compacts is aimed at children and young people (and adults too!) so that they know what the governments of the world have said they will do. As the Global Compacts can be difficult to read, this ‘child and youth friendly’ briefing summarizes what these documents say about migrant and refugee children and young people. 

The aim of this publication is to enable children and young people to:

• Know what the two Compacts say about migrant and refugee children and adolescents

• Play a part in making sure that the promises made in New York and in the Compacts are kept

• Check that everyone is doing what they have promised to do

• Find ways to contribute and have their say

The first part of the document provides background information about the Compacts and explains some key words and phrases such as what is meant by a migrant or a refugee. The second part outlines what each Compact says about children and young people under the age of 18. The third section of the document explores ways for young people to engage in discussions around the Global Compacts and in putting them into practice and in checking on progress. It looks at ways in which children and young people might want to work with others and take action, including some inspiring examples of groups of young people who are doing a lot of work to support migrant and refugee children and youth.

