Recommended principles to guide actions concerning children on the move and other children affected by migration

CPC Learning Network

This document highlights principles used to guide actions concerning children on the move and affected by migration, which include:

  1. Children on the move and other children affected by migration shall be considered children first and foremost and their best interests shall be a primary consideration in all actions concerning them.
  2. All children have the right to life, survival and development.
  3. Children have the right to liberty of movement within their State, and to leave their State and any other.
  4. The detention of children because of their or their parents’ status constitutes a child rights violation and always contravenes the principle of the best interests of the child.
  5. Children during all phases of migration shall not be separated from their parents or primary caregivers (unless this is in their best interests).
  6. No Child is Illegal - Children should be protected against all forms of discrimination.
  7. Child protection systems shall protect all children, including children on the move and children affected by migration.
  8. Migration management measures shall not adversely affect children’s human rights.
  9. Children have a right to express their views freely in all matters affecting them and to have their views taken into consideration in accordance with their age, maturity and understanding of the options available.