Refugee & Migrant Crisis Child Protection Response: Protecting refugee and migrant children on the move

Child Protection Hub, UNICEF, and Terre des Hommes

This capacity building package was developed to build the capacity of those responding to the refugee and migrant crisis to be able to address child protection concerns within the unique settings of the largely transit countries, in particular Croatia, Serbia and the former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia (tfYROM).    The course book contains four core modules: Block A – Cultural Sensitivity; Block B – Impact of Being a Refugee/Migrant on Children; Block C – Working Together for the Benefit of Children; and Block D – Safeguarding.  Each block takes about one and one-half hours.

The course book contains rules and mandates and also contains preventative actions that can be taken to avoid abuse.  There is also advice on pre-training prep for trainers. The course is designed to be highly participatory, using exercises, case studies and discussions in groups supplemented by a limited number of simple handouts to act as prompts and to reinforce learning.
