Including Street Children: A Situational Analysis of Street Children in Durban, South Africa

Street Action (Glynis Clacherty and Joe Walker)

Street Action and the Centre of African Studies has launched Including Street Children: A situational Analysis of Street Children, the first report of its kind documenting the physical and psychosocial health of street children in Durban, South Africa.  Street children have a right to be included on the agenda that seeks to protect those who are marginalised, forgotten and unable to protect themselves. This is the impetus behind the report and its value is in the emphasis placed on how the children describe their own lives and the issues they face living on the streets.  Including Street Children provides an important insight into the gaps emerging between practice on the ground and child rights policy at national and international level. Too many policies and interventions fail to take into account children’s own views and therefore fail to address the holistic context in which children such as street children live and experience their vulnerability.

The accompanying report on participatory workshops with children living on the streets of Durban is also available:

 Full Participatory Report: They think we are children with a ‘street-mind.’
