Training Package for the Tubarerere Mu Muryango Programme (‘Let’s raise children in families’): Supporting Children with Disabilities and their Families

National Child Development Agency (NCDA), UNICEF

This is a Training Module for the Inshuti z’Umuryango volunteer community-based cadre to support the implementation of the Tubarerere Mu Muryango (TMM) Programme (‘Let’s raise children in families’) led by the National Child Development Agency (NCD).

The purpose of this Training Module is to build awareness amongst the Inshuti z’Umuryango (IZU) community cadre on the rights and needs of children with disabilities, so that they can be allies in helping children with disabilities and families to live in their communities free from stigma and discrimination.

The Facilitators Manual is primarily for use by people who work directly with children and families on inclusive reintegration from residential institutions to family care, and on prevention of family separation. This can include:

  • Government of Rwanda, National Child Development Agency (NCD) Child Protection and Welfare Officers, and
  • The National Council of Persons with Disability (NCPD), District Disability Mainstreaming Officers, and
  • People working in other local government roles e.g. Gender & Family Promotion Officers,
  • People working in non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or community-based systems.

These professionals are ideally placed to deliver this training to IZUs because they have the appropriate knowledge, experience, and skills in working with children with disabilities and their families.
