Preventing and Responding to COVID-19: Key messages to support those working with vulnerable children and families in Kenya

Republic of Kenya Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Office of the Principal Secretary


The following are key messages including critical information about keeping children safe and healthy during the pandemic. Furthermore, the content addresses the psychosocial concerns and increased child protection risks that can occur as a result of measures put in place to prevent the spread and negative impact of COVID-19. The messages are designed for use by Children’s Officers, child protection actors including directors of Children’s Institutions, and members of government and civil society that work with vulnerable children and families. The information included herein should guide actions targeting and services provided for vulnerable children and families. The content of these messages incorporates guidance and related material published by the World Health Organization, Ministry of Health and UNICEF.

The guidance is designed to inform child protection actors and includes information targeting the following groups:

  • Key messages about COVID-19 to provide to children
  • Key messages about COVID-19 for caregivers/parents, including messages about preventing violence and online safety
  • Key messages about COVID-19 for special populations of children, including:
    • Children with disabilities
    • Children in Children’s Institutions
    • Children who have exited Children’s Institutions, including care leavers
    • Street-connected children
    • Refugee children

This guidance should be considered a living document and will be updated as new information arises. Please note that for all health-related information, please refer to the Ministry of Health website here as their guidance takes precedence.
