When teaching in or around the subject of care-experienced young people, it is important for information to be presented in a way that not only creates an understanding of the prevalence of care experience but also emphasises the myriad of life challenges associated with experiences of being involved in the care system.
It is known that out of the 12 million children living in England, just under 400,000 (3%) are known to the social care system at any one time and just over 82,000 of these children are ‘looked after’, under the legal guardianship of local authorities in England.
It will not be unusual for students to come to university with little or no exposure to or understanding of children in care, their lives or what it means to be care experienced. Therefore, teaching in this area needs to draw attention to the reasons as to why care experiences result in hardships, this can be done by identifying why care experience is a sensitive subject area. This chapter identifies some (but not all) of the common adversities that care-experienced young people often face inclusive of changes in accommodation and placement instability, insecure relationships, poor mental health, disrupted education, substance misuse, and poverty.