Universal Periodic Review – Republic of Moldova – Stakeholder Report by Lumos


In this report, Lumos welcomes actions taken by the Republic of Moldova to prevent child abuse and exploitation during the period between 2011-2015.  Lumos further notes concern that the National Strategy on Child Protection for 2014-2020 has not been approved by the government.  

In regard to implementation of suggested recommendations, in 2007 the government committed to reduce the number of children's institutions by 50%.  As of 2012, the government had reduced them by 62%.  This report also notes that the number of children with special needs receiving inclusive education has increased exponentially. 

Lumos recommendations for further action include: 1) developing a normative and institutional framework; 2) ending institutionalization; 3) developing inclusive education; 4) implementation of policies that protect children against abuse, violence, and neglect; 5) policies that protected children against trafficking; and 6) improvement of infant mortality. 
