Beyond 18: Leaving Child Care Institutions - Supporting Youth Leaving Care: A Study of Aftercare Practices

Udayan Care, Tata Trusts & UNICEF

This report on Aftercare is based on research on “Current Aftercare Practices” (CAP), with regard to Children in Need of Care and Protection (CNCP), under the Juvenile Justice (JJ) Act, 2015, conducted in five states of India: Delhi, Gujarat, Karnataka, Rajasthan and Maharashtra. It is about the status of Aftercare youth, or Care Leavers (CLs), who as wards of the state in the child protection system, while they were below the age of eighteen, were entitled to care, protection, treatment, development, rehabilitation and re-integration by the state – as explicitly stated in the Preamble of the JJ Act, 2015. On attaining the age of majority – i.e. eighteen years, they are now compelled to transition from state care in a Child Care Institution (CCI) to adulthood in the wider community. It is hoped that this study on the nature of this transition from ‘care’ to ‘Aftercare’, again as youth who are still wards of the state, will have some relevance for contemporary care leaving policy, law and practice in India.

State reports include:

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