Caseworker's Handbook: Case Management for Reintegration of Children into Family- or Community-Based Care

Caseworker's Handbook: Case Management for Reintegration of Children into Family- or Community-Based Care

Changing the Way We Care

This Handbook is a summarized, simplified version of the Case Worker’s Guidebook for Case Management for Reintegration of Children/Young Adults into Family- or Community-Based CareIt provides an overview of the principles and practices of case management for reunification and placement of children/young adults outside of parental care (e.g., street-connected children/young adults or from Charitable Children’s Institutions and Statutory Children’s Institutions) into family- and community-based care, up until sustainable reintegration is achieved. The Handbook aims to provide an easy and quick reference to critical information and “how to” about case management for reintegration.

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