In December 2011, the Children and Youth Services Review released a special volume (32) focused on "Young People's Transitions from Care to Adulthood."
The articles in this volume are centered around four broader themes:
1) The Global Context of Transitions. Which includes the following articles:
2) Preparing and Supporting Young People from Care to Adulthood in Different Countries.
Which includes the following articles:
- Receipt of Help Acquiring Life Skills and Predictors of Help Receipt Among Current and Former Foster Youth (USA)
- Procedures When Young People Leave Care - Views of 111 Swedish Social Services Managers
- The Experience of Jordanian Careleavers Making the Transition from Residential Care to Adulthood: The Influence of a Patriarchal and Collectivist Culture
- Leaving Family Care: Transitions to Adulthood from Kinship Care (Spain)
3) Educational and Mental Health Outcomes. Which includes the following articles:
- School Performance in Primary School and Psychosocial Problems in Young Adulthood Among Care Leavers from Long Term Foster Care (Sweden)
- The Mental Health of Young People Aging Out of Care and Entering Adulthood: Exploring the Evidence from England and France
4) Exploring the Process of Transition. Which includes the following articles:
- Continuities and Discontinuities: Issues Concerning the Establishment of a Persistent Sense of Self Amongst Care Leavers (Canada)
- Dealing with the Past in the Transition from Care: A Post-Structural Analysis of Young People's Accounts (Norway)
- Transition within Transition: How Young People Learn to Leave Behind Institutional Care Whilst Their Carers are Stuck in Neutral (Romania)
- Making Sense of Leaving Care: The Contribution of Bridges Model of Transition to Understanding the Psychosocial Process (Romania)