Home Thrive Scale: Guidelines

Miracle Foundation

The purpose of the Home Thrive Scale™ is to assess the possibility of a child staying with or returning to their family and to identify services needed to make reintegration possible.

Families will be assessed in five domains. For each domain (eg, Family and Social Relationships, Household Economy, etc.), you will mark the appropriate statement for each concern. 

  • In-crisis (1): Needs immediate attention - Concern is not addressed at all and requires urgent attention and intervention before child can be placed in the home
  • Vulnerable (2): Needs attention, but not urgent - Concern requires attention; resources have been identified but may be insufficient to fulfill concern
  • Safe (3): Attention helpful, but not necessary - Concern is fully addressed but family may require occasional support to fulfill this concern
  • Thriving (4): No attention needed - Concern is fully addressed and family is completely self-sufficient in fulfilling this concern without support