Relationships Matter for Youth 'Aging Out' of Care

Melanie Doucet - McGill University

Relationships Matter for Youth 'Aging Out' of Care is a collaborative photovoice project led by Melanie Doucet, who is a former youth in care, alongside eight former youth in care between the ages of 19 and 29 from the Greater Vancouver area. Using images captured by the young co-researchers and their accompanying captions, the report takes a closer look at meaningful supportive relationships in the lives of young people in and from care, and how those relationships can be developed and nurtured over time. The report features 12 relationship-related themes emerging from the photography, and outlines 34 concrete recommendations for improvement of child welfare policies and practices. 

The report provides an overview of the situation and needs of care leavers in Canada and other Western countries, reviews some current policy on leaving care, and describes the research methodology. The report findings emphasize the importance of animal companions; accessible, affordable, and safe housing; connection to the land, culture, and spirituality; nurturing relationships with siblings, extended family and parent-like mentors; breaking the cycle of intergenerational foster care; mental health, alternative medicine and therapies, and healing; trauma-informed practices; youth-centered decision-making; investing in interests, talents and strengths; peer-led advocacy and support; expanding the definition of community; long-term unconditional support and nurturing; and investing in interdependence vs. independence. Recommendations are based on these findings.

Relationships Matter for Youth 'Aging Out' of Care: Project Video