Reunification Process of a Child to a Family Environment: Inter-institutional coordination roadmap

Changing the Way We Care

Interinstitutional coordination pathway to promote reunification and reintegration of children and adolescents in residential into familiy environments in the demonstration area

This graphic is intended for use by professionals working within government agencies and non-governmental organizations in Guatemala engaged in different aspects of the protection and care system but specifically in support of reunification. It details specific roles and responsibilities of those engaged in this process in Guatemala and how they should coordinate.

The inter-institutional coordination pathway is a proposed intervention to illustrate how the different actors work together to achieve the reunification of children and adolescents in protection homes back into family and community environments. This includes coordination and technical meetings. The pathway includes identification, evaluation, family tracing, case plan review by the technical team, reunification and ongoing monitoring after placement until it is determined a sucessful reintegration. The graphic can be adapted for use in other parts of Guatemala or contextualised to reflect different actors in other contexts with similar roles and responsibilities. The pathway was created in conjunction with protection institutions in Zacapa, Guatemala specifically Procuraduría General de la Nación, Secretaría de Bienestar Social and CTWWC and based on a case management methodology.
