The Children (Approved Homes) Rules 2013 – Supplement No. 30, S.I. No. 52

The Republic of Uganda

This is a statutory instrument detailing rules and regulations surrounding alternative care homes. This document defines alternative care as a means of care for children who are without parental care.  It then defines the different types and levels of care.  It defines the purpose and specifications for home approval, as well as what is required for the Minister’s approval, which primarily involves approval by social welfare and health governing bodies.

This instrument defines what is necessary for the care and well-being of children within alternative care, and what they require medically and socially. It states all children must have a separate bed.  It specifies that children must have an appropriate education, and religious beliefs must be respected.  It also provides rules for parents’ visitation and parental rights and responsibilities regarding the child.

This document details the court’s power and the circumstances under which the child may leave alternative care.  It determines penal codes regarding alternative care.  Lastly, there are forms necessary under the laws specified.