Programme Brief: Let’s Raise Children in Families

National Commission for Children, UNICEF, USAID


The government of Rwanda is committed to ensuring that all children grow up in safe, protective families. In collaboration with UNICEF, it has established the Tubarerere Mu Muryango (Let’s Raise Children in Families - TMM) programme to enable the closure of large-scale institutions and promote familybased care. The programme aims to build a strong, sustainable system of protection and care for children in Rwanda. Not simply a timebound programme, the purpose of TMM is to enable Rwanda to transition to an ongoing system of child protection and care based on family and community action.

Phase 1 of the TMM programme ran from May 2013 to October 2017 with a total budget of USD 2.3 million, of which approximately USD 2 million was provided by the USAID Displaced Children and Orphans Fund. Phase 2 runs from October 2017 to September 2019 and has a total budget of USD 3.5 million, also provided by USAID/DCOF. This programme brief is based on a review of TMM programme documents as well as interviews and focus groups with 65 stakeholders. A glossary of key terms is included as an annex.

This programme brief is part of a package of materials documenting successes and lessons learnt from implementation of the Tubarerere Mu Muryango (TMM) child care reform programme between 2012 and 2018. It provides an overview of the rationale of the programme, outlines its objectives and activities, reviews the outcomes of the programme, and presents lessons learnt.
