Re-Thinking and Reconceptualizing Child Care Institutionalisation in South Africa: Effects and Impacts on Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs)

S. M Kang’ethe and Abigail Makuyana - Journal of Social Science


Institutional care has remained an option for children who lack visible means of care and protection. However, in many settings, the quality of care which children receive has been alleged to be detrimental to their growth and development. The present study, through an extensive review of literature has: explored and reconceptualised institutional care, considered the dynamics of institutionalization, effects and impacts of institutionalization on OVCs, such as educational attainment, socialization and psychosocial impacts. The research has also discussed the following perfidious factors associated with care institutions: emotional gaps and various aspects of children’s maltreatment. The research concluded by calling for different child friendly players, whether government, NGOs, donors and private individuals to advocate for community home based approach in lieu of institutional care. The research has called for policy makers to dissuade from use of grants as a mitigation factor for OVCs problems, but instead work towards building the holistic capacities of OVC and their families to become self reliant in future.
