The review of the CPIMS+ was commissioned by the Inter-Agency CPIMS+ Steering Committee (CPIMS+ SC) in 2018. The review and subsequent reports, both full and summary versions, were carried out and developed by Roy Tjan, an independent child protection consultant. The objective of the review was to answer the question: “How can we ensure that the CPIMS+ and associated tools that support information management for case management are effective in supporting child protection case management in humanitarian contexts?” Following a detailed assessment of the findings, the consultant has included a series of recommendations to the CPIMS+ SC for consideration.
The global CPIMS+ Steering Committee, in close collaboration with the Primero Project Team and the Global Case Management Task Force, has taken the review and developed a joint management response plan considering the priorities of each recommendation as well as the practicality for putting them into action. This joint management response plan forms the basis of their ongoing work and priorities setting moving forward.