Webinar: Measuring Separation in Emergencies

CPC Learning Network and the International Institute for Child Rights and Development

On September 24, 2015, the CPC Learning Network hosted a webinar about measuring the separation of children from their families in emergency settings. The measuring separation in emergencies project aims to strengthen emergency response programming for unaccompanied and separated children through the development of practical, field-tested tools to enhance the assessment of the scale and nature of separation in emergencies. The webinar featured Beth Rubenstein, senior research associate at the CPC Learning Network, and Eva Noble, former graduate research assistant at the CPC Learning Network,  with comments from respondent Yvonne Agengo, a child protection emergency response personnel at Save the Children UK.

This webinar was co-hosted by the CPC Learning Network and the International Institute for Child Rights and Development as part of their year-long series, “Reaching the Most Vulnerable Children: Strategies for Strengthening Child Protection Systems.”