This handbook is a key tool for supporting care reform in Kenya, promoting family-based alternative care for children, and moving away from institutional care.
This book is particularly written for formal and informal government practitioners: social workers, child protection volunteers, police, health workers, teachers, community health workers, child and youth workers, probation officers, and para-social workers, including:
- Chiefs, Nyumba Kumi and Village elders, and Area Advisory Councils
- Community-based organizations (CBOs), faith-based organizations (FBOs), and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in communities
The objectives of this handbook are to:
- Enable people to develop a better understanding of the Kenyan child care and protection system
- Summarize the Guidelines for the Alternative Family Care of Children in Kenya
- Outline key regional and international legislation and policy frameworks for children outside of parental care
- Highlight:
- the right to grow up in a family environment
- the need to prevent family and child separation
- the challenges and problems with institutional care
- provide and signpost practical guidance on alternative care
Read the accompanying Facilitator’s Training Manual.