So You Want to Consult with Children? A Toolkit of Good Practice

Save the Children

As part of its contribution to the process of supporting children’s meaningful participation in the UN Study on Violence Against Children, Save the Children has produced series of toolkits intended to inspire and be of practical help to those involving children in research and consultations. This toolkit, the second in the series, seeks to guide and facilitate children's meaningful participation in the process leading up to and including the 2002 UN General Assembly Special Session on Children. It is based on the participation of thousands of children who were involved in related events and activities in their countries and regions throughout 2001 and 2002.  

This toolkit specifically deals with involving children in formal consultation and policy processes and covers the following main areas – organising consultations with children, planning preparatory workshops with and for children, having children on delegations, the role of adults in creating an enabling environment for participation, ensuring that children are safe and protected and ensuring quality follow up. It also contains an extensive list of additional resources that might provide practical guidance for consulting with children.

©International Save the Children Alliance
