Thari Ya Bana: Reflections on Children in Botswana 2010

University of Botswana and UNICEF Botswana

The papers presented here bring together research and reflections on children’s issues in

Botswana. To complement the analytical papers, the book also highlights a compendium of the most current data available on a wide range of indicators of child wellbeing, drawing mostly from recent household surveys conducted by the Central Statistics Office.

Most particular to alternative care are the child protection related articles, including:

  • Seen but not heard: a call for orphans’ voices to be heard in Botswana.
  • The urban orphan in Botswana: discarding the homogeneity myth
  • Child welfare approaches in local authorities: to what extent are they in the best interest of the child?

The range of topics for this inaugural edition is also matched by a range of authors – many of them from the University of Botswana (both lecturers and students), but also from practitioners in the field. In addition, UNICEF staff have also taken this opportunity to share their work with a wider audience.
