Towards a Partnership for the Quality Improvement in the Care of Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Africa:A Review of Lessons Learned and Best Practices

Dorcas Amolo, Lori DiPrete Brown, Samantha Dovey, Lynne Miller Franco, and Marie-Eve Hammink - USAID Health Care Improvement Project


As local, regional, national and international organizations work to respond to the needs of children made vulnerable by HIV AIDS, leaders in the implementation of programs seek a forum to share ideas and lessons learned so that the program quality and effectiveness can be enhanced by knowledge of the most current evidence base, and by lessons learned from practice in other countries. Over the past 10 years, regional networking and partnership efforts have been undertaken with various degrees of success. The purpose of this review document is to inform the development of an African Partnership for quality in the care of orphans and vulnerable children. By reviewing experiences to date in similar efforts, this review identifies best practices and challenges that may inform the development of a regional partnership focusing on quality.
