Cabinet Brief: Strategy for National Child Care Reform

The Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion (MIGEPROF), Rwanda

This brief was prepared by the Rwandan Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion (MIGEPROF), requesting the Cabinet to approve the proposed child care reform strategy and to support its implementation. The brief outlines the aims and long-term goals of the reform, including transforming Rwanda’s current child care and protection system into a family-based, family strengthening system and supporting vulnerable families to remain together. The brief also highlights the benefits of the strategy and describes the current situation in Rwanda in regards to children’s care, particularly orphanages and alternative family-based care. The document presents next steps and a proposed timeline for the child care reform strategy, which includes moving children living in institutions into family-based care. The brief also identifies the parties and actors who will be responsible for implementation of the strategy and outlines the budget implications of this care reform effort.
