What Can Donors Do? The Role of Donors in Advocating for Family and Community-Based Care in South Asia

Ghazal Keshavarzian & Joel Borgström - Institutionalised Children Explorations and Beyond


Elevate Children Funders Group (ECFG), a consortium of foundations dedicated to building strong families and a life free from violence for all children, strongly believes and supports the idea that children are best able to thrive and reach their full potential when they remain with their families and communities rather than living in residential care. Years of research has shown that orphanages often expose children to serious abuse, harm and neglect, can impact a child’s physical and psychological development and is often much more expensive than family or community-based care. However, despite this evidence, the number of residential care institutions has been steadily or even exponentially increasing. Donors continue to invest in orphanages—drawing more children into institutions and away from families. To this end, this article will make a case for investing in families and communities rather than orphanages by putting a spotlight on ECFG member investments in Asia. By drawing on recent ECFG funding research and foundation investments, this article will highlight how donors can do more to help deinstitutionalisation efforts across the region.

View the article here.

This article is part of the special issue of the Institutionalised Children Explorations and Beyond journal
