CSO Capacity Analysis: A Tool for Assessing Capacities for Quality OVC Response

CORE Initiative Uganda

This document provides a tool that was used to asses capacities for quality OVC response in Uganda by the Core Initiative. The broad capacity areas to be assessed were compiled from the capacity areas identified by OVC grantees and from key documents such as the National Strategic Program Plan of Interventions for OVC (NSSPI). A few capacity areas were added where key gaps were identified. The tool addresses the following capacities:

Quality OVC service delivery capacity

  1. Child participation;
  2. Child protection;
  3. Psychosocial support;
  4. Socio-economic security;
  5. Mitigation of the impact of conflict;
  6. Strengthening capacity;
  7. Child growth and development
  • Education
  • Food security and nutrition
  • Health
  • Care and support

Organizational capacity

  1. Monitoring and evaluation (including information management);
  2. OVC Project Management;
  3. Resource mobilization;
  4. Gender analysis and planning;
  5. Leadership;
  6. Community mobilization, participation and involvement;
  7. Systems and procedures;
  8. Governance and structure; and
  9. Strengthening capacity of CSOs (NGOs, FBOs and CBOs).

Institutional capacity

  1. Communication and advocacy;
  2. Networking, collaboration and linkages; and
  3. OVC policy work.

The following issues and themes are cross-cutting:

  1. Gender;
  2. Communication and advocacy;
  3. Leadership; and
  4. Community mobilization, participation and involvement.

©CORE Initiative Uganda
