The OVCMIS Service Provider Procedure Manual

Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD)

Over the years, many partners have developed tools that suit their interests or fulfil own data needs. To avert this trend, the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD) has worked with these partners to harmonise tools and prohibit development of independent data minded tools. It is a requirement that all OVC service providers use these tools as minimum standards.

The OVCMIS is one of the key instruments for effecting implementation of the National Strategic Programme Plan of Interventions for orphans and other vulnerable children (NSPPI). OVCMIS involves a scientific way of collecting; processing, storing and communicating information relating to the OVC interventions, implemented by OVC service providers, to the various levels of local and central government so that they are facilitated in discharging their mandate in respect to policy adjustment and management decisions that lead to increased access to quality, integrated and comprehensive services by OVC and their caregivers.

The OVCMIS is intended to measure progress towards achieving the goal of NSPPI and it has the following specific objectives: 

i. To provide quick and timely OVC data to stakeholders for effective decision making for expanded access to child care and protection services.

ii. To generate OVC service provision reports to track performance.

iii. To generate information, which OVC service providers and stakeholders can use to make compare actual performance with the set performance standard;

iv. To obtain information to use in judging program efficiency and effectiveness.
