Residential Family Centres: National Minimum Standards

Department for Education

This document contains the UK National Minimum Standards (NMS) applicable to residential family centres. The NMS, together with the Residential Family Centres Regulations 2002, as amended, form the basis of the regulatory framework under the Care Standards Act 2000 (CSA) for the conduct of residential family centres. Minimum standards do not mean standardisation of provision, but rather, the standards are designed to be applicable to different types of residential family centres. It is understood that all providers must have regard to these standards, but many will aspire to exceed them and develop their service in order to achieve excellence. The standards are issued for use by Ofsted, who must take them into account in regulating and inspecting residential family centres. The standards may be used by providers and staff in self-assessment of their services; for the induction and training of staff; by parents, children and young people as a guide to what they should expect, as a minimum, a provider to do; and they can provide guidance on what is required when setting up a residential family centre.

The standards are based on the values that each parent and child is valued as an individual and has his or her wishes and feelings listened to and taken into account; each parent has a fair assessment of his or her parenting skills and capacity, and is given individualised support, in line with his or her abilities, needs and background; each child feels protected and safe, and benefits from effective parenting; parents and children with disabilities and particularly complex needs have these fully recognised and taken into account; and that there is a genuine partnership between all those involved in residential family centres to deliver the best outcomes for parents and children, including the Government, local authorities, family courts and other statutory agencies, such as CAFCASS. 

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