Compendium on Family Strengthening and Alternative Care Programmes Practised Across India

India Alternative Care Network (IACN), Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC)

The Compendium documents alternative care practices that are non-institutional and support families to stay together, prevent separation of the children from their families and community settings. It mainly comprises of practices on family strengthening, restoration, kinship care, foster care and aftercare.

This report maps the family strengthening and alternative care practices across 14 organisations and provides an overview into a number of elements including nature of care, target, coverage, intervention, the longevity of care, linkage to the child protection system, access to sponsorship provided by the State, challenges in implementing the program, among other aspects. The Compendium attempts to provide a glimpse into the existing family strengthening and alternative care practices across the country. It is an exercise in mapping the existing practices that promote non-institutional alternative care approaches in India with a view to highlight the fact that with the necessary support and an enabling environment, it is indeed possible to ensure that every child has the opportunity to be nurtured by a family. 
