This article delves into the challenges faced by orphans in Nigeria, specifically focusing on their psychological development and overall welfare. In 2003, there were an estimated 7 million orphans in the country, a number projected to rise to 8.2 million by 2010. This increase underscores the significant challenges posed by factors such as HIV/AIDS, conflict, and poverty.
Globally, the orphan crisis is alarming, with predictions suggesting that by 2020, as many as 200 million children worldwide could be without parental care. The study emphasizes the importance of offering childcare options within family settings rather than relying solely on institutional care, which can have profound effects on the psychosocial development of children. Traditional orphanages, serving as residential centers, grapple with issues like overcrowding, discrimination, and instances of abuse, often leaving thousands of children disconnected from their families. This underscores the necessity to revamp childcare systems and explore new models entirely.
The article advocates for a family-centric approach, which includes adoption, community-based upbringing, and initiatives to strengthen existing families. This alternative promises a more supportive environment for orphaned children to thrive mentally and socially. From an economic standpoint, family-oriented childcare is not only more humane but also economically prudent, offering lower costs compared to institutionalized care. Hence, there's a pressing need to redirect focus towards these alternatives.