Family Strengthening: A Collection of Best Practices from Eastern Europe

Save the Children, International Child Development Initiatives

The purpose of the assessment was to present an overview of best practice Family Strengthening interventions, models, and approaches (hereinafter grouped together as 'interventions'). The focus was on interventions aimed at:

  • Preventing Separation: supporting families to prevent abandonment and relinquishment of children at risk of separation, and/or;
  • Family Reintegration: promoting sustainable reintegration of children into their family from an alternative care setting (family based or non-family based/residential)

The mapping of Family Strengthening interventions initially had a worldwide focus, but was later narrowed down to Central and Eastern European middle-income countries, since these share similar transition processes in social protection. It included interventions from the SC global movement, as well as interventions developed by other (inter-)national organizations. The aim was not to come up with an exhaustive overview, in which all known interventions, models and approaches were covered (this proofed simply impossible). The goal was primarily to provide a practical, easy to use sharing document, which can support the realization of interventions that have proven to be efficient, effective and sustainable.
